On a tooth cleaning mission recently, I noticed plaque was forming on my lower teeth. Instead of ruminating whether a heart attack is imminent, I thought, "OMG, I'm going to have to go to the dentist". Have you ever noticed how an appointment to have your teeth cleaned turns into a near lifetime commitment to the "chair"?
Before the dentist lets the dental assistant start the cleaning, he pokes, prods and examines every tooth. Then he schedules uncomfortable x-rays and finally you reach the cleaning stage. It's like the dentist takes possession of your mouth until every tooth has been drilled and filled, refilled and root canaled so not an original surface remains -- or he has cleaned out your bank account, whichever comes first.
All this to get rid of plaque? I can put it off another day, or until a filling drops out.
I think I could deal with the ordeal if they would ever ask how much you can afford or which teeth you want fixed. Instead, they assume they own your mouth because you walked through their doors. And they think we avoid them because we are afraid of the drill?