Thursday, June 19, 2014

Global Warming

If we were to ask the citizens of the United States a series of questions related to getting at their true feelings, I believe we would find that they do not disagree that we are experiencing global warming in this world.  Some just might not fall into line about the reason for it.

Proponents of a "green" ecology tend to ignore historical facts when spinning their alarm stories.  There have been several Ice Ages and subsequent meltdowns.  I believe I'm not stretching the point too far by saying these meltdowns would be considered global warming.

We Americans have grown rather cynical over the generations because of misinformation that our scientists have provided us.  Just think of the science pertaining to healthy bodies. We were to quit butter and red meats.  Following that we had to cut out chicken fat.  Butter then became better for us than the fake alternatives.  We were to use canola or olive oil, preferably the latter.  Some other oils are now being suggested.  Today, white breads and pastas are no nos.  Then we have the poor oppressed onion.  God forbid we should eat a sweet one that looks just like a strong and bitter one.  Eggs were out but now they're in.  I could go on and on, but you have my drift.  We are supposed to adjust ourselves continually because science is still basically in it's infancy.  What they know for sure one day is hogwash the next.  Maybe we should just quit eating altogether.

Now, where the current hogwash is, pertaining to global warming, is the recurring theme that it wouldn't be happening if it weren't for humans dirtying up the planet.  Several ice ages and their meltdowns not only call this into question -- but turn it into a downright lie.

The first known ice age was about 2.3 billion years ago.  Another biggie was 600 million years ago.  Then 450 million and 300 million years ago.  Each one lasted twenty to fifty million years.  The one we are most familiar with began about two million years ago and lasted until about ten thousand years ago when it began a meltdown that continues to this day.  The start of this last ice age coincides with the start of "skillful man", our predecessor.

But, you see, scientists and "greenspeakers" don't believe the common man can think for himself.  So, they gloss over the lessons of history and expect us to align ourselves to their way of thinking and their baby science steps.

Is modern man contributing to the ozone holes and global warming?  Possibly.  But will agonizing over every little infraction of the rules stop global warming?  Hardly.  We weren't here crapping up the planet when they happened before, were we?  And what stopped it then?  Even scientists probably don't know that.  Perhaps they should consult the creator of the universe.  I'll bet He knows.

Now, do we humans need to be worried about other aspects of our environment?  You bet we do.  We need cleaner air just for easier breathing much less C.O.P.D.  We need cleaner fuel.  We need to increase the use of wind and solar power.  We need to stop dumping sewage and trash into our waterways.  We need to do every little thing we possibly can to conserve our fuel and our water resources.  We need to recycle, use less and preserve as much as we can.

But don't lie to me again and tell me this global warming is all our fault.  We weren't here when a number of the meltdowns happened in the past.

And, oh yes, does the EPA need an additional almost 20 per cent to sit around the office being hateful to those of us who call in with genuine concerns?  I don't think so.  Ask them what they have done about the smell of burning medical waste and flesh that several of us have reported in my neck of the woods.   What they need is to get off their duffs and start doing the jobs they are already being paid to do.

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