Sunday, August 9, 2015

You Can't Fix Stupid

The title of this article is one of my baby brother's favorite expressions.  Often all we have to do is walk outside the door and say good morning to someone to find out why such a remark is so descriptive of life.

What gets under my skin, ad nauseam, is how people with such controversial jobs as those at Planned Parenthood could be "stupid" enough to say anything that could be used against the program, whether in or out of context.

Planned Parenthood, even if one abhors abortion, has a lot of value in society.  It teaches, duh, planning pregnancies instead of having them by accident.  It provides the sex education where needed.  It helps young people cope with serious life issues.

Now, because individuals have sat around talking about crunching baby heads and buying expensive cars, our aggressively moralistic, conservative base has more fuel to fan the flames.  Our young people could be without needed counseling.  And medicine could potentially lose a valuable resource for determining how to fix our serious ailments.

And where are the morals of the people who sucker punched these individuals?  They have none!  All they have is an obsession and a faulty understanding of what God's mind really is.  None of us know God's mind in this day and age.  It's not just pastors who have lost touch with the Almighty.  An obsession is a mental illness, not a righteous calling.  Let's call it what it is.

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