"It bothered me to think that in this rich country, there were people who still lived as they did . . ." Ruth Levinson, character in The Longest Ride, a novel by Nicholas Sparks, 2013
Ruth, a teacher, had gone to visit a student who lived in a shack and sometimes did not eat more than two or three times a week.
On the NBC nightly news, December 17, 2014, Brian Williams announced that recent information shows that the gap between the upper one per cent and the rest of the country has gotten even wider. Yes, in this great and rich country, how is it children have to live like this? Yet even today it still happens, while we send millions and billions of dollars and jobs to other countries, some who are our barely disguised covert enemies.
I've said it all in previous articles in lousissues.BlogSpot.com, lousdevotes.BlogSpot.com, and louhough.BlogSpot.com. I will let you read and reread these articles to find my views.
But permit me to ask you a few questions first.
When will enough be enough for these rich people?
What are they lacking in their lives that makes them driven to store more and more coins while their fellow men go hungry? They store coins in the same obsessive-compulsive manner that an alcoholic imbibes alcohol, trying to fill some empty hole within themselves. It seems to be some type of addictive behavior.
When they get to the pearly gates and God asks them to account for what they did with the talents and other coins with which He entrusted them, how will they answer? I bought some elections for guys I thought would help me make and keep some more coins? Or will they say, I looked for half a dozen people per year and fed, clothed, and trained them until they were able to take care of themselves? I expected nothing back for doing so.
Which answer do you think the Almighty will like the best?
Which do you think will give them the most fulfillment, perhaps enough to fill that mighty empty hole?
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