Thursday, January 22, 2015

Do Us All A Favor

In the early eighties while I was working as a school psychologist, a coworker was coughing, spewing and sneezing all over us as well as complaining that she didn't really feel like being at work.  I agreed she couldn't possibly and that she should have stayed at home that day.  Her response?  "I don't want to use my sick days for being sick."  I had no response for someone that stupid.

From elementary school right on up to the present, we are all exposed to sick people who bring their germs to school and work.  Even last weekend while shopping for a few food items, the cashier was hacking all over us and complaining what a horrible cold she had.  We could tell.

My own mother made me go to high school one day with a fever and aches and pains.  After all, the school had sent home a note stating the parents had to make sure we got there because they were administering an important test.  The school apparently derived an intelligence quotient, as well as achievement results from the test.  Got any idea how valid those test results were?

What is it that is wrong with people?  We have the employers with no tolerance for absences.  There are the employees who feel that they must never miss a day of work.  There are the schools who threaten penalties for poor attendance and the illnesses that are spread more thoroughly and rapidly because of anal retentive people who must always obey the rules  --  even the most idiotic ones.

There "oughta" be a law folks, that penalizes everyone who goes or sends their children out into the world while sick.  There ought to at least be a sense of moral correctness pertaining to exposing others to our germs.

Next time you are ill, how about stirring up some chicken soup, turning on a movie and taking your meds in the comfort of your own homes instead of contaminating the rest of your community?  We would all thank you in the long run.

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