Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Overcoming Genetics

Well, God must really want addictions to be dealt with right now.  This morning (3/9/14), Joel Osteen's sermon concerned overcoming genetics.  Just because someone has a genetic predisposition to be alcoholic, etc. doesn't mean he/she has to follow that path.  We can change our destiny by making decisions that effect change and overcome the genes.

True!  I believe that is what I recommended when I advised you to never take that first drink.  Wouldn't it be a wise decision to stop drinking before it is too late -- before that line is crossed?

You can't become alcoholic if you never take the first drop.  And, if you stop soon enough, you can avoid slipping into the dark abyss.

Other kinds of predispositions can also be controlled.  If your family history has a trend toward heart trouble, exercise and diet changes can minimize the dangers for yourself.

Pastor Osteen also recommended getting a handle on anger.  Although I've never heard of a genetic predisposition toward anger, it is certainly a characteristic that can be controlled.  I'm a much more mellow senior citizen than I was as a young adult.  I'm sure a lot of people can make that claim.

There were a lot of sites online proposing to upgrade one's physique by overcoming DNA with exercise and diet, etc.  Remember the body building ads of the past with before and after pictures that started "I was a 99 pound weakling?"  Or was it 97 pounds?

I think Joel Osteen's message is to take a positive attitude and approach so that the genetic hardship can be overcome as other hardships can.  We don't have to become ill or addicts or derelicts just because our DNA and our environment dictate it.  We can overcome obstacles to become the best we can be, just as generations have done before us.

Part of the message seemed to imply that a lot of people afflicted with genetic predispositions use them as an excuse not to try to change.  But you don't have to do that.  You can overcome your physical, psychological and environmental hazards to become a more productive and happy citizen.

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