Friday, November 8, 2013

The Seasons

It looked like winter out there today.  There was enough of a nip in the air that I should have worn my gloves.  The leaves are falling, but they are still beautiful colors.

I suppose all of God's creation has it's gorgeous moments.  While my grandson was serving in Iraq, he sent a card with a desert scene on one row, a group of wicker chairs (one holding a sleeping dog) on the next, and a Midwestern farm scene on the bottom.  The sentiment says, "Enjoy the little things.  You might look back and realize they were the big things".  Three scenes of beauty in three separate environments.  Usually though, we humans don't see anything as beautiful as fall.  I remember one time writing that the scene outside my window looked like it was snowing leaves. 

Just when I tell someone Fall is the best, we have an ice storm.  Talk about beauty!  How can we top that?  Then in a couple of blinks, we see a crocus or a tulip break  through the snow.

It's a little harder, while breathing in the heat and steam of summer, to see as much to admire.  Or is it?  We have roses, daisies, hibiscus, on and on . . .  And then we get the welcome news that the grass growing has been slowed, as has the need to mow.

I cannot imagine living in a tropical climate every day -- and then I look at that greeting card again.  I'm reminded that there is beauty in all God's lands.  That includes deserts, tropics, four seasons and more.

Take time to live and enjoy it all.

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