Monday, September 1, 2014

And A Hundred Other Things

A lifetime friend of mine is having a bad time this summer.  And it will get worse before it gets better, because her husband has been put in a nursing home and she has been told he will not be going home again.  No, she usually doesn't read my blogs.

Some of her friends, whom I have never met, were heard to say "if your husband were in a nursing home this summer and a hundred other things were going wrong . . ."

Remember Dang, my ex?  Well, he has been in a nursing home for over two years.  Although he has had three other wives since me, I still occasionally have little "do this's" to take care of for him.  These seem to have slowed some since Easter.  In fact, they have been at a dead standstill since my car broke down on August 7.  If we can't find the correct part, which Oldsmobile quit making while knowing they had a problem with it, it will be terminal.

At the same time I got this good news, I noticed my driver's license had not arrived on schedule.  I called the local office.  They said to call the state.  The state said they showed I had paid for it but it had not been printed.  Thus, said they, I had to go back to the local office and take my proof of residency again . . . and stand in line again and wait again.

Now, presents a new dilemma.  I have to travel thirteen or fourteen miles from home for a legally required matter, and my closest "real" friend was miles and miles the other way.  My family that drives was even further.  The friend that I called came to help.  I gave her 20 of my last 30 dollars cash for gas and we went on our way.  Ah, luck smiled after all  --  the line was very short.

My friend said $20 was too much for gas, so decided we would use the extra $10 for lunch at a Chinese restaurant she had heard about.  Around here, Chinese lunches are usually four or five dollars, but lunch that day was over eight per person.  So, I wound up spending most of my last $10.  Number one son came by and needed the rest for bus fare, since my car was down.  I have been here broke long enough to receive the driver's license and almost run out of food. But never fear, payday is Wednesday and I'll have a ride to the store on Thursday or Friday.

While dealing with all the trauma today, the neighbor from h e double hockey sticks returned from a trip and a bat got into my home and flew downstairs into my living room.  Now, folks, does it sound to you like I'm a stranger to trouble?  If you have been following my three blogs, you know the real truth.

And then the current truth is that I let these friends of my friend rile me today when I should have just walked away --figuratively, that is. 

But, of course, I would be better prepared to understand others if I had a husband in a nursing home and were dealing with a hundred other things.  Then I would be sure not to blow my cool like everybody else.  (LOL)

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