Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How Can I Write About A Good Day?

I once read a piece by Irma Bombeck about someone who had told her that in writing humor she didn't have to work very hard.  Bad idea!  She proceeded to tell the person about how easy it is to think up something funny in the midst of a day when everything is going wrong -- say, if your kids are home from school sick, the car is in the shop, your mother-in-law is in the hospital.  We've all had days when everything is going wrong.  Irma Bombeck had to think up funny stuff anyway.

So, why am I thinking of this now?  After I'd written two pieces for Issues, neither one of which I liked, I thought of turning to humor.  At first that sounded good.  Then, I realized I was thinking of humor for Devotes as well, but how can I wring humor from the Bible?

I was back to doing issues for Issues, but aside from the two pieces I'd already abandoned, I didn't have any issues I wanted to address right now.  The weather is beautiful, the grass is cut, the baby bird that keeps coming back to the nest is learning to fly a little.  I just don't feel like rocking the boat.

Back to the thought of humor. A no go.

Then there is where to go with Devotes again.  My gut tells me Jesus wants me to do love -- but I've already done that more than once.  God seems to be referring me to prophesy, but that will take a lot of study.  So where does that leave me?  With Irma Bombeck.

And, of course, I can tell all the Mothers of the world that I hope they had a Happy Mother's Day.  May God bless and keep you -- and shower you with love and humor.

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